Thursday, September 26, 2013

So sorry I have not posted in so long!! So many things have happened in our lives since my last post. I started dating (which is VERY complicated as a single mom - a separate blogpost should follow on this topic alone) and became serious with a special someone with whom I connected so easily. Not so soon after we met (nearly 9 months later in fact), he met my amazing daughter and instantly fell in love with her too.

I cannot begin to tell you how much love and joy he brings to both of our lives. It is truly amazing to see the bond between all 3 of us grow and grow. We hope to make him a permanent addition to our lives some day. ;)

In other news, my little girl fully potty trained herself shortly after her second birthday (4 days after to be exact). Of course, you know we started with elimination communication when she was 3 months old. That
4 Month Old Diaper Free Baby
went well until I had to start working again when she was 6 months old. We were still doing it part time until she turned 1 year old. But once she turned 1, she became busy with all her new skills (walking, climbing, and studying everything)! So pottying was put on the back-burner. I would always keep her potty out and encourage her to sit. She would accompany me to the bathroom whenever I needed to go. And every now and again I would let her have some diaper free time.

4 Days Post 2nd Birthday
She started nursery school two days a week shortly before her second birthday. The socialization skills that have followed this experience have been wonderful! She was quickly moved to the 2 year old room where the children line up to go potty a few times a day. I believe seeing how her peers were using the potty was the most helpful in her decision to potty herself. Without any direction from me, she just sat down on her potty (with her toy laptop haha) after her bath and went pee. I was so shocked because she had not voluntarily gone to the potty in months! I praised her, of course, and she began doing it every day after that! It was really much easier and smoother than I had ever expected. If anyone would like a more detailed post about our pottying experience, please comment and let me know!
So proud of her first full potty chart!

Sophia trying to put on her big girl panties.

Night time pottying.